Sunday 15 May 2011

Tribute to all my teachers

In conjunction with the teachers' day, Monday May 16th, i would like to dedicate this page to all my teachers, past and present. Everyone can be a teacher if they have positive value to contribute to others and not only confine to the vernicular school       system. Cheers to all my teachers!!

Johnny the Kaloi

This white Kaloi has been with us for almost 5 years, about the same age with my youngest daughter. It was meant to be the supporting casts for the other glamorous fish in the Aquarium with gold fish occupying the top rank in this aquarium. Many years and many dead fish later. Johnny the Kaloi has become the sole occupant of the aquarium and the undisputed King of the aquarium even at the expense of Bandaraya fish which many had mysteriously died at the hand of Johnny.. Sad to say, Johnny's condition is deterioting very fast these few days and i have been trying hard to save Johnny starting with the water treatment  but he is not responding well to the treatment. . Perhaps , it's time for Johnny to go but the fact that Johnny has indirectly influent our family's vacation schedule and the duty of our servants, that is something worth remembering...  (next episode..Johnny's sad condition)

Sungai Ku........

Sungai negeri ku mengalir lesu Membawa lum pur dan debu Melihatnya sungguh terharu Perang kuning menusuk kalbu ...