Tuesday 16 June 2015

attempt #3 -sajak tak bertuan

Hari ini aku mahu berpencak
Bukan kung fu maupun silat chekak
Hanya mengikut naluri nan berkocak
Menahan amarah yang membuak-buak

Marah ku marah  bersebab
Fikir mereka kami bodoh dan lembab
Layak mendengar tak layak bersuara
Melihat kemungkaran  di depan mata

Ini harta bukan kamu yang punya
Ini adalah milik rakyat jelata
Sesungguhnya Ahmad Albab pun mahu mengerti
Takutnya  menjawab di akhirat nanti

Biarkan golongan munafik ini terus berpesta
Bersama harta rampokan berjuta juta
Sana Sini berjanji penuh dusta
Gelak ketawa di sahut bersama
Si penjilat tegar yang amat durjana.

Harta di kumpul tanpa batasan
Hukum hakam di luar garisan
Keberkatan hidup bukan matlamat
Hanya berlumba2 membuat maksiat.

Dear friends and foes
It's ok to be down but full of hopes
To free yourselves from those temptations
That tangle your souls with the devils
I hope one day you will listen to me
Respect and dignity NOT from your degree
Nor it from your millions of money
And definitely not from your family tree.

Disclaimer: Tak bersangkut paut dengan yang masih hidup atau yang telah mati.Who eats chilly, dia lah yang rasa pedas.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Itsuwa Mayumi- Evergreen songs

You want to know why i put in this video? I love the song and most of the other songs by this singer, Itsuwa Mayumi. I  want you to appreciate the beauty of this song which transcends across languages and countries. The song is void of beautiful and sexy looking singer associated with popular songs but the song itself is very beautiful on its own.

Somehow, I got converted to her songs when i was a management trainee in a Japanese retail outlet here back in the 80's. I worked there for 3 months and hers songs were like national anthems for the retail store day and night.

Anyway, i never get tired of listening to her songs. Enjoy!

Sungai Ku........

Sungai negeri ku mengalir lesu Membawa lum pur dan debu Melihatnya sungguh terharu Perang kuning menusuk kalbu ...