Thursday 26 May 2011

Annoying List & Ego

There are many things in our lives that we can be annoyed with on daily basis ie: people jumping queues ( any queue),  noisy exhaust pipes, body odor in the public, slow drivers in the fast lane, hogging ATM machine or cash deposit machine, double parking's, asking directions at toll booth, high rentals, high food prices, lousy foods in fancy restaurants and etc...

Hell for road hogger

These are the things that you wish the perpetrators will be punished in  hell .

There are also self created annoying list  such as seeing our neighbor bought new Lamborghini while we are still driving old Tiara, seeing ugly men with pretty girls, seeing old men with young womennot getting enough sales for the month, having the stupidest guy in your primary school as your new boss or the company owner and many more jerking situations that you're facing in life.  Unless the person is so naive or dumb, ordinary hot blooded human would feel the challenge and start being grumpy or being in the state of denial, " i think he is with his grand niece,  his dad is rich,  my friend cheated, it's a borrowed car, must be lottery winner or probably that girl has a mental problem and etc...."

Whatever it is, our ego is the biggest enemy in us. Our self annoying list  is 100% coming from our own ego. It is not the two horns Satan who kept whispering to you, but the inborn or so called template ego that makes us self annoyed or what the Malays say , PHD ( Perangai Hasad Dengki). The detractors would say, " No, we are not jealous but we are just purely annoyed because the others are cheating and we are playing by the rules. Now they are getting something that is supposed to be ours!!"  Okay, that's a valid reason to be annoyed but remember, you have to be smarter from these smart Alexs. You will not gain anything by being grumpy, but you will gain if you have proper strategy in life, As for ladies, you certainly have the advantage of being good looking but it's only for a head start and if you are not smart enough, you are just another trophy for some unscrupulous men.

Above all, be thankful and grateful for what you  are now and hopefully the reward will come later in life.

perhaps happy life somewhere in Lebanon...

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