Thursday 21 July 2011

Kebodohan melanda...

There is a web group who claims to be free of political ideology, religions, race and business promotion. Unfortunately, they failed to distinguish themselves from being "taksub" and "Bodoh tak Bertempat".  It can be loosely translated as " Being stupid for no reason".

How could you say promoting personal tweet as a business promotion? It is understood that we are not supposed to promote any business or any of the first three "don'ts" above in the website but promoting oneself's  twitter site is considered business proposition? Come on lah! No wonder the Group only having 3000 odd members who's activities only to comment on foods and what nots....Better change the name of the group to be "Foodie Gooks"

I am not condemning all but i see the need for paradigm shift in thinking if the group wants to be a force to be reckon with in Malaysia,. We can no longer reminisce on our past glory or worst, " katak bawah tempurung" mentality. A lot of things need to be changed. In order to have wide perspective in life. the group members should widen their horizons. They should travel the globe. The travels can no longer limited to Umrah only but should also cover other countries and civilizations. The business can no longer limited to our local vicinity, but should spread to other states and the region. The  command of language should be dual language. Don't ever say you do not understand English because everyone of us learns English since Primary school unless the people administrating the group never went to school before.

So, if this group who claims to be independent of any influences continues with their 'syok sendiri" factor and berated others who try to bring any change to their 'syok" level, we are looking at "biarkan Luncai terjun dengan Labunya".  Unless something drastic is done to change this level of mentality, this "Bodoh Tak Bertempat" is very deep rooted in our society and they seem to rule this country. I say Good Luck to you All!!

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